Thursday, April 20, 2006

Short update

long time since I blogged. Lots has happened this month. On verge of finally shifting houses hopefully landlord will sign the agreement tom - paying an obscene amount of money, god knows why ?

Been hyper busy at work - feel guilty sometime that I am not spending enough time with all my reportees - but really dont know what to do

I think I need to rebalance my life again - its just been work and some time with the gang - need to spend some more time with batchmates & other friends - seem to be losing perspective
Was on a flight to bangalore - when after a long time I was not tired and free - felt that i need to be a little more in tune with rest of the people - feel Anand wants to ask me to join them for the business venture but he is hesitant - he thinks i am not keen - he wants to discuss it with me but ...- maybe will go for a drink with him tom - everybody seems to be doing interesting stuff

Personal life - zilch is hapenning - been online for short bursts to chat recently - useless & idiotic waste of time - everybody seems to be going on dates but me - one date in the last 15 months


Anonymous said...

aaa.. no. me in the no-date club with u, gupshup. ;-)
ooo, wow. new house. why? (waaa! loved the old house!)

Wild Reeds said...

Dear Guppie,
First of all thanks for a new post after a grand total of 18 days. You're like Mick Jagger making his fans wait and scream for three hours before a performance.
You've indeed been on a rollercoaster these past few weeks. The fact that you are overwrought comes through in the very first line of your post, which starts with a miniscule "L" (long time since I blogged).

Really looking forward to your new house. Agree with CT, your present place has a charm of it's own.

Sweety don't waste your time with chat. Go for the filmfest on the 30th if you can. It comes closest to the interesting people subset among all the possibilities. Also have you seen Munich?

once again said...

well, how about no date at all in the PAST 4 months ! and no sex ! I am soon getting on the 15 month mark. and tellme about it. everyone seems to be dating !

and guppie boi, i am glad ur moving into ur new place * where it is, where it is *

congratulations !!! * hugs *

and wildreeds: do tell more of this filmfest ! puhleaze :) pretty plij with a cherry on top !

Wild Reeds said...

Dear Once Again,
Huh?! Anyways the (GB) festival is at National College Bandra on April 30, 2pm+. And why are you not commenting on my blog? You too Guppie, CT, Aristera and Sex&Mum. Looks like you have all en masse decided to boycott my blog. Hmm. Hm-mm-m.